Google Maps Timeline Location History Missing for Some Users After On-Device Migration

As of December, Google Maps has rolled out the on-device Timeline location history change. Over the past day, some users have reported that their Google Maps Timeline is missing. 

                                 Image : Google

For some, opening their Timeline from the Google Maps account menu on mobile returns a “No visits for this day” message that appears on every single date they check. It spans back years, with their Google Maps Timeline seemingly deleted.

These users have migrated to the on-device location history as instructed by Google, and have not enabled auto-delete on their accounts. While “Timeline is on” appears in the corner of the map, there’s no data from today either.

There have been dozens of reports in the past 24 hours. On our end, devices/Google Accounts we checked today are not seeing this issue. It’s unclear how widespread a problem this is, and whether the location history data has actually been deleted or there is a bug with showing the information. 

In 2023, Google announced that Maps location history would be moving to your phone instead of being stored in the cloud. This local, single device approach is meant to improve user privacy, with Google no longer being able to respond to geofence warrants. Users have until June 9 to follow the new set-up process or they will lose this data. 

However, there is a backup and transfer system when you get a new device. People missing data today cannot access that backup, with “delete” being the only option.

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