Google Maps CarPlay Update Fixes Missing Route Preview Bug

A frustrating bug in Google Maps for CarPlay has left users without the typical route preview before starting turn-by-turn navigation – thankfully, it’s been fixed.

If you’re a Google Maps user on Apple CarPlay, you may have noticed lately that turn-by-turn navigation no longer shows a preview of the route before you go on your way. Usually, Maps will zoom out to show a preview of your full route before navigation actually begins, offering a quick glance at where you’ll be headed, as well as traffic conditions along the route.

Suddenly, that’s not showing, as quite a few CarPlay users have noted on Reddit.

The change seems to have come with recent Google Maps app updates, and started happening a little over a week ago. It’s not entirely clear how widespread the problem was but, in our testing, we were seeing a bug where the route preview would show for roughly a second before zooming back in to a street-level preview.

With the latest Google Maps update, though, it appears Google has fixed this problem. Once again, Maps is showing zoomed-out route previews on CarPlay. At least one other user is seeing the same behavior we are.

What a route preview in Google Maps is supposed to look like

Random quirks like this are, unfortunately, not all that uncommon for Google Maps on car displays. Earlier this month, Google Maps on Android Auto also had to fix a display bug where the maps would be centered to the display rather than the UI, which was irksome to say the least.

If you’re still having trouble with Google Maps route previews on CarPlay, check the App Store for updates.

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