Messaging giant Telegram is taking a significant step to enhance user safety and combat scams by introducing a new feature that allows official third-party services to assign unique verification icons to users and chats. This move aims to provide users with greater confidence in the authenticity of accounts and channels within the platform.
How it Works:
- Third-Party Verification: Unlike the existing verification process for public figures and organizations (which uses blue checkmarks), this new feature enables verified third-party services to assign custom icons to accounts and chats they deem legitimate.
- Icon Identification: Users can easily identify these verified entities by the unique icon displayed to the left of their name.
- Transparency: Clicking on the profile of a third-party verified account or chat will reveal the verifying service and the reason for verification. For instance, it might display a message like, "Verified by the Learning Standards Authority for quality language education."
- Eligibility: Only services with an official bot verified by Telegram can apply to become third-party verifiers, ensuring a stringent vetting process. This measure helps to prevent the misuse of the feature and maintain the integrity of the verification system.
Addressing Concerns and Enhancing Security:
This update comes on the heels of increased scrutiny surrounding Telegram's platform, including the arrest of CEO Pavel Durov by French authorities over allegations of enabling illegal activity. In response, Telegram has taken several proactive steps to improve user safety and transparency:
- Updated Privacy Policy: The company has revised its privacy policy to address user concerns and enhance data protection.
- Feature Disabling: Certain features that were deemed "misused" have been disabled to prevent their exploitation for malicious purposes.
- Moderation Enhancements: Telegram has refined its moderation policies and implemented stricter guidelines to combat abuse and misinformation.
- Financial Transparency: The company recently announced that it achieved profitability in 2024, with total revenue surpassing $1 billion.
Beyond Verification: Additional Updates
Alongside the third-party verification feature, Telegram has introduced several other enhancements:
- Improved Search Filters: New search filters make it easier for users to locate specific chats within their conversations.
- QR Code Scanning: Telegram's in-app camera on both iOS and Android now supports QR code scanning, enabling seamless integration with other services and applications.
- NFT Integration: Users can now transform digital gifts received within Telegram into non-fungible tokens (NFTs), adding a new dimension to the platform's gifting capabilities.
Telegram's introduction of third-party verification marks a significant step towards enhancing user safety and trust within the platform. By empowering verified third-party services to authenticate accounts and chats, Telegram aims to create a more secure and reliable environment for its growing user base. Coupled with other recent updates and policy changes, these initiatives demonstrate the company's commitment to addressing user concerns and fostering a safer online experience.
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