Catastrophic Security Flaw Discovered in Arc Browser: Researcher Exposes Major Vulnerability


Recent developments in the cybersecurity space have shaken users of the Arc browser after a security researcher uncovered a critical vulnerability. This discovery, labeled as "catastrophic," could have allowed malicious actors to execute arbitrary code in users’ browsers by exploiting a flaw that only required knowing the user’s ID. This vulnerability, identified as CVE-2024-45489, put millions of users at risk and highlighted the potential dangers posed by web browsers if certain security features are not properly configured.

Arc, a popular browser developed by The Browser Company, has grown significantly in recent years, thanks to its innovative features and sleek interface. However, the platform's recent security lapse has made users more conscious about the need for stringent cybersecurity measures, even in products they trust.

Understanding the Arc Browser Vulnerability

The vulnerability was first disclosed by security researcher xyz3va, who detailed how attackers could exploit Arc's “Boosts” feature. Boosts allow users to customize the appearance and behavior of websites with custom CSS and JavaScript, adding a layer of personalization. However, due to a misconfiguration in Arc’s backend infrastructure, attackers could manipulate this feature to their advantage.

Using Firebase as its backend for data storage, Arc mistakenly misconfigured Firebase’s Access Control Lists (ACLs). This allowed unauthorized users to change the creator ID of any Boost, effectively granting them control over which code would execute on another user’s browser. With knowledge of a user’s ID, attackers could insert arbitrary JavaScript into the victim's browser, causing major security concerns.

Security researcher xyz3va highlighted that attackers could retrieve user IDs through various means, such as shared referral links or public Boosts. Once in possession of a user’s ID, they could use the exploit to inject malicious scripts into any website the user visited, gaining unauthorized access to data or even manipulating website content.

A Timeline of the Discovery and Response

The vulnerability was reported on August 26, 2024. Researcher xyz3va contacted The Browser Company’s co-founder, Hursh Agrawal, who responded promptly. Within minutes, the bug had been demonstrated, and the company began working on a fix. By the following day, the vulnerability had been patched, ensuring no further exposure to users.

While the exploit was addressed quickly, it remains a critical reminder of how seemingly innocuous features, such as website customization tools, can be turned into vectors for attacks if not properly secured.

Key Technical Details of the Arc Vulnerability

Boosts, the feature central to this exploit, was intended to allow users to apply custom CSS or JavaScript to websites for a personalized experience. However, the Firebase misconfiguration introduced a gap in security. Firebase is often used as a backend-as-a-service (BaaS), handling authentication, real-time data syncing, and database management. In Arc's case, Firebase stored user data, including Boost configurations.

The issue arose because Firebase ACLs, which control who can access and modify data, were improperly set up. This oversight allowed users to alter the creator ID of any Boost. Typically, Boosts are stored under the user who created them, meaning the browser fetches Boost data from Firebase using this creator ID. By changing the creator ID, attackers could inject their own Boosts into any other user’s browser.

Severity of the Exploit: Why It Was Labeled “Catastrophic”

The classification of this vulnerability as “catastrophic” was not an overstatement. The potential consequences were severe, considering how easily an attacker could gain control over another user’s browsing session. Once arbitrary JavaScript is executed, an attacker can perform actions such as:

  • Phishing Attacks: Malicious scripts could be used to modify login pages, capturing credentials when the user attempts to log in.
  • Session Hijacking: Attackers could steal session cookies, granting them access to authenticated user accounts.
  • Data Theft: Personal information, browsing history, and stored passwords could be extracted from the victim’s browser.
  • Content Manipulation: Attackers could change the appearance and functionality of websites the user visits, potentially misleading them into performing harmful actions.

The ease of exploiting this vulnerability, combined with the potential for extensive harm, made this a particularly dangerous security flaw. Fortunately, The Browser Company’s quick action helped mitigate any significant damage.

Arc Browser's Response and Future Plans

The Browser Company responded swiftly to the report from xyz3va, not only by patching the vulnerability but also by outlining a comprehensive plan to bolster security. In a public statement, the company acknowledged the seriousness of the vulnerability and laid out a series of steps to prevent future incidents.

Key among these measures are:

  • Moving Away from Firebase: Recognizing that Firebase was a point of failure in this case, Arc plans to transition to a different backend service that offers more robust security configurations.
  • Disabling Custom JavaScript on Synced Boosts: To prevent similar vulnerabilities, the company has opted to remove the ability for Boosts containing custom JavaScript to sync across devices.
  • Bug Bounty Program: To incentivize security researchers to find vulnerabilities before malicious actors do, The Browser Company announced the launch of a bug bounty program. This initiative will reward researchers who report security flaws, helping to ensure the safety of Arc’s users.
  • Hiring Additional Security Experts: The Browser Company has committed to expanding its security team to continuously monitor for potential threats and ensure that vulnerabilities are addressed swiftly.

Firebase and Security: What Went Wrong

Firebase, a popular BaaS platform, is used by thousands of companies to handle backend services. Its ability to store and sync data in real-time makes it an attractive choice for applications that require dynamic data handling, like Arc’s Boosts feature. However, like any platform, Firebase requires proper configuration to ensure security.

The ACLs in Firebase control who can read, write, and modify data. In Arc’s case, these controls were not correctly set, allowing anyone to modify the creator ID field. This specific misconfiguration is not unique to Arc but highlights a broader issue with Firebase security. Developers must carefully review and test their ACL settings to prevent unauthorized access.

This incident serves as a cautionary tale for other developers using Firebase or similar services. Properly configuring security settings is essential to prevent vulnerabilities like the one exposed in the Arc browser.

Implications for Web Browser Security

Web browsers are critical tools for everyday internet use, and their security is paramount. With more than half of all internet traffic passing through a handful of major browsers, even minor vulnerabilities can have widespread consequences. The Arc browser’s vulnerability highlights the importance of constant vigilance when it comes to browser security.

One of the most significant concerns with browser vulnerabilities is that they can be exploited without the user’s knowledge or interaction. Attackers only needed the user’s ID in this case, which could be obtained through referral links or other shared resources. This passive exploitation method makes such vulnerabilities even more dangerous, as users often have no way of knowing they are at risk until it is too late.

How Users Can Protect Themselves

While browser developers like Arc are responsible for securing their platforms, users can also take steps to protect themselves from vulnerabilities and exploits:

  • Keep Software Updated: Always ensure that your browser and other software are up to date with the latest security patches. Most browsers offer automatic updates, but it is a good idea to check periodically for manual updates.
  • Limit Third-Party Scripts: Features like Boosts, which allow the execution of custom code, can be powerful but also dangerous. If possible, avoid using third-party scripts unless you trust the source.
  • Use Security Extensions: Browser extensions like NoScript can prevent the execution of untrusted scripts, providing an extra layer of security.
  • Regularly Clear Cookies and Cache: Cleaning your browser’s cookies and cache regularly can help prevent session hijacking and other forms of attack.
  • Enable Two-Factor Authentication: For accounts accessed through your browser, enable two-factor authentication to prevent unauthorized access even if your credentials are stolen.


The catastrophic security flaw discovered in the Arc browser serves as a stark reminder of the potential dangers inherent in web browsing. While the vulnerability has been patched, the incident underscores the importance of rigorous security protocols in browser development and the need for users to remain vigilant.

The Browser Company’s swift response and commitment to enhancing security are commendable, but this vulnerability also raises questions about the security of other similar features in modern browsers. As the internet becomes more integrated into daily life, securing the tools we use to access it is more important than ever. For Arc users and beyond, this incident highlights the importance of regular updates, careful use of custom scripts, and ongoing attention to web security best practices.

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