A Close-Up on Figure's New Humanoid Robot


Robotics has reached an exciting new chapter with Figure Robotics' latest advancement, the Figure 02 humanoid robot. Representing a major leap forward from its predecessor, Figure 01, Figure 02 integrates groundbreaking technology and innovative design elements to offer a glimpse into the future of humanoid robots. This article delves into the key features, testing processes, and future implications of Figure 02, shedding light on how it stands out in the rapidly evolving field of robotics.

Design Evolution: From Figure 01 to Figure 02

Figure Robotics has meticulously developed Figure 02 to address the limitations observed in its earlier model, Figure 01. The original Figure 01 showcased the company’s early foray into humanoid robotics, providing a platform to test fundamental concepts and technologies. However, Figure 02 represents a significant evolution, featuring a sleek design and improved functionality that surpasses its predecessor.

One of the most noticeable changes is Figure 02's streamlined design. Unlike Figure 01, which had a cumbersome battery backpack and visible wiring, Figure 02 integrates its battery and components within a more compact and aesthetically pleasing form. This redesign not only enhances the robot’s appearance but also contributes to its overall efficiency. The internal housing of Nvidia GPUs and processors in the torso area reflects Figure Robotics’ commitment to improving performance while maintaining a user-friendly design.

Another crucial enhancement is in the robot’s locomotion system. Figure 02 features advanced leg mechanisms and refined sensors that allow for more natural and stable movement. In contrast to Figure 01, where legs were tested separately from the torso, Figure 02 combines these elements for smoother operation. This integration addresses previous concerns regarding mobility and stability, making Figure 02 more adaptable to various environments.

Testing and Practical Applications

The development of Figure 02 involved extensive testing to ensure its reliability and effectiveness in real-world scenarios. One of the notable pilot projects was conducted in collaboration with BMW at their Spartanburg, South Carolina, plant. During this two-week pilot, Figure 02 was tested in an automotive assembly environment, performing tasks such as moving totes and assisting with assembly operations.

The results from the BMW pilot project were promising. Figure 02 demonstrated its capability to handle repetitive tasks efficiently, highlighting its potential for use in industrial settings. The robot’s ability to navigate a busy manufacturing environment and interact with various components underscores its versatility and effectiveness.

Building on this success, Figure Robotics plans to deploy a fleet of Figure 02 robots at the Spartanburg plant starting in January. The initial deployment will consist of mid-to-high single-digit units, allowing for further evaluation and refinement of the robot’s performance. This phased approach enables Figure Robotics to address any issues and optimize the robot’s functionality before scaling up its use.

Beyond industrial applications, Figure 02 is also being tested for domestic use. The robot’s potential to assist with household tasks, such as cooking and cleaning, represents a significant advancement in consumer robotics. Although still in the early stages, Figure Robotics aims to make Figure 02 more accessible to consumers by targeting a price point below $20,000. This move could bring humanoid robots closer to mainstream adoption and open new possibilities for home automation.

Competitive Landscape: Figure 02 in Context

Figure Robotics operates in a highly competitive market, with several other companies making strides in humanoid robotics. Notable competitors include Boston Dynamics, Apptronik, and Sanctuary AI, each bringing unique innovations to the field. Boston Dynamics, renowned for its agile and dynamic robots, has set high standards for movement and versatility. Apptronik and Sanctuary AI have also made significant progress, focusing on various aspects of humanoid robotics.

Figure 02 distinguishes itself through its emphasis on combining advanced technology with practical usability. While competitors have explored different applications, Figure Robotics has focused on creating a robot that excels in both industrial and consumer settings. This dual-focus approach sets Figure 02 apart and highlights the company’s commitment to delivering a versatile and impactful product.

Future Prospects and Industry Impact

The introduction of Figure 02 marks a pivotal moment in the evolution of humanoid robots. The advancements demonstrated by Figure 02 suggest a growing role for humanoid robots in shaping the future of work and daily life. As robotics technology continues to develop, robots like Figure 02 could become integral to various industries and applications.

In the automotive industry, Figure 02’s success could lead to broader adoption of humanoid robots for assembly and logistics tasks. The ability to automate repetitive and labor-intensive processes offers significant benefits in terms of efficiency and cost reduction. As more companies recognize the advantages of humanoid robots, Figure 02’s role in transforming manufacturing practices could expand.

For consumers, Figure 02’s potential applications in household settings represent a shift toward more intelligent and capable home assistants. The robot’s ability to perform tasks such as cooking and cleaning could enhance convenience and quality of life. As the technology matures and becomes more affordable, humanoid robots like Figure 02 may become a common feature in households, offering valuable assistance and automation.

Ethical and Societal Considerations

The rise of humanoid robots like Figure 02 brings with it important ethical and societal considerations. As robots become more advanced and capable, questions about their impact on employment, privacy, and human interaction arise. The integration of robots into various sectors may lead to shifts in job dynamics, with potential implications for the workforce.

Addressing these concerns requires a thoughtful approach to the development and deployment of humanoid robots. Ensuring that robots are used ethically and responsibly will be crucial in maximizing their benefits while mitigating potential risks. Engaging with stakeholders, including industry experts, policymakers, and the public, will be essential in navigating these challenges and ensuring that humanoid robots contribute positively to society.


Figure 02 represents a significant milestone in the field of humanoid robotics. With its advanced design, rigorous testing, and potential applications across diverse industries, the robot embodies the future of robotics technology. Figure Robotics' commitment to innovation and practicality is evident in the development of Figure 02, which stands as a testament to the company's vision and ambition.

The continued evolution of Figure 02 and similar technologies will play a crucial role in shaping the future of work, home automation, and everyday life. As humanoid robots become more integrated into various aspects of society, their impact will be felt across multiple domains, offering new possibilities and opportunities for growth.

By examining the advancements and implications of Figure 02, this article provides a comprehensive overview of the robot’s capabilities and potential. The journey of Figure Robotics and its latest creation offers valuable insights into the evolving landscape of robotics and the exciting prospects that lie ahead.

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