Instagram Tests Vertical Profile Grids: What It Means for Your Carefully Curated Layouts.


Instagram is on the brink of a major update that could fundamentally alter how users interact with their profile pages. Recently, the platform has begun testing vertical profile grids, a change from the long-standing square layout that has defined Instagram’s visual identity. This adjustment aligns with the increasing prevalence of vertical content, such as photos and videos, that users upload. Understanding the potential impacts of this change, including how it might disrupt existing layouts and what Instagram’s goals might be, is crucial for users who have carefully curated their profiles.

A New Approach to Profile Layouts

Profile pages on Instagram have traditionally used a square grid format. This design choice harks back to the platform’s origins, when only square photos were supported. Even as Instagram evolved to allow vertical and horizontal images and videos, the square grid remained unchanged. This consistency was rooted in nostalgia and user familiarity, but as Instagram’s content evolves, so does its approach to displaying that content.

The move to vertical profile grids represents a significant shift. Instagram's chief, Adam Mosseri, has acknowledged that the current square format can be restrictive, particularly when it comes to showcasing vertical content. Most photos are now uploaded in a vertical format, such as 4:3, and videos are often 9:16. The existing square grid can result in uncomfortable cropping, which may not do justice to the content being shared. By testing vertical grids, Instagram aims to present content in a format that better reflects its natural orientation.

Impact on User Experience

For users who have meticulously crafted their Instagram profiles, this shift could be more than just a minor inconvenience. Many individuals and businesses invest significant time and effort into curating their profile grids. This curation often involves strategic planning of post sequences to create a visually appealing or cohesive aesthetic. The transition to vertical grids could disrupt these carefully planned layouts, potentially affecting how followers perceive and engage with their profiles.

Profiles designed with a square grid in mind often feature coordinated colors, patterns, or thematic elements that might be lost or altered in a vertical grid format. For businesses and influencers who rely on a well-organized profile to attract and retain followers, this change could impact branding efforts. The visual appeal of a profile grid plays a crucial role in engagement and follower growth, making any disruption a significant concern.

Instagram’s Testing Phase

Currently, Instagram’s test of vertical profile grids is limited to a select group of users. This phased approach allows the company to gauge user reactions and gather valuable feedback before making any broader decisions. During this testing phase, Instagram will monitor how users interact with the new grid format, including any issues related to layout disruption or user dissatisfaction.

Feedback from users participating in the test will be crucial in determining whether the vertical grid format will be adopted more widely. Instagram is known for its iterative approach to feature development, often making changes based on user input. As such, the company is likely to use the insights gained from this test to refine the feature and address any concerns raised by users.

Adapting to New Grid Formats

For those affected by the transition, adapting to the new vertical profile grid involves a few strategic steps. First, evaluate how the vertical grid format will impact your existing profile layout. This may involve reviewing the placement of your posts and considering how they will appear in the new format.

If the vertical grid disrupts your carefully planned aesthetic, consider experimenting with different ways to present your content. Adjusting your posting strategy or layout might help you achieve a visually pleasing profile within the new format. For example, you might explore new themes or patterns that work better with vertical grids.

Staying informed about updates and changes during the testing phase will also be important. Instagram may release new tools or options to help users adapt to the vertical grid format. Keeping up-to-date with these developments can provide additional flexibility in managing your profile.

Providing Feedback to Instagram

Active participation in providing feedback is another important aspect of navigating this transition. Instagram values user input and often uses it to shape the final implementation of new features. Sharing your experiences with the vertical grid test can help Instagram understand the impact on users and potentially influence how the feature is developed.

You can provide feedback through Instagram’s official channels, such as its help center or community forums. Be specific about your experiences, including any issues or concerns you encounter with the new grid format. This input can be valuable in guiding Instagram’s decisions and ensuring that the final feature meets user needs.

Long-Term Considerations

Looking ahead, the introduction of vertical profile grids could have broader implications for how Instagram evolves. As the platform continues to adapt to changing content trends and user preferences, profile layouts may need to evolve as well. The shift to vertical grids might be just one of many changes aimed at enhancing user experience and aligning with content consumption habits.

For users who have invested in curating their profiles, embracing this change will require flexibility and adaptability. While the transition may pose challenges, it also presents an opportunity to rethink how content is presented and engage with followers in new ways.


Instagram’s test of vertical profile grids represents a significant departure from the traditional square format. While this change aims to better align with the vertical orientation of most content, it also raises concerns for users who have carefully curated their profiles. Understanding the potential impact of this shift, adapting to the new format, and actively participating in feedback processes are crucial steps for navigating this transition. As Instagram continues to evolve, staying informed and flexible will help users maintain a compelling and effective profile presence on the platform.

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