Facebook Restored After 7-Hour Mobile Internet Outage; Telegram Remains Inaccessible.


On August 2, 2024, a significant disruption rocked the digital landscape in Bangladesh as Facebook experienced a seven-hour outage through mobile networks, with connectivity being restored only in the evening. Meanwhile, Telegram, a widely used messaging app, remained inaccessible for a considerable period. This incident highlights the ongoing issues of internet censorship and digital access in politically sensitive regions. This article explores the details of the outage, its implications for users and businesses, and the broader context of digital restrictions in Bangladesh.

Image credit: Google screenshot 

Overview of the Outage

On August 2, 2024, users across Bangladesh faced an unexpected interruption in their access to Facebook via mobile networks. The disruption began around noon and lasted until 7 PM, causing considerable inconvenience for millions of users who rely on the platform for communication, news, and social interaction. As the evening approached, users were relieved to see Facebook restored, but the restoration did not extend to Telegram, which continued to face connectivity issues.

The outage's timing was particularly significant, coinciding with political unrest and protests in the country. This alignment raises questions about the role of digital censorship in managing public dissent and maintaining order.

The Impact on Users

Communication Breakdown

For many users, Facebook is more than just a social media platform; it's a primary communication tool. The outage interrupted personal interactions, business communications, and access to important updates. Individuals who rely on Facebook for staying in touch with family and friends were left in the dark, unable to share or receive updates.

Businesses faced operational challenges as well. Companies that use Facebook for marketing, customer service, and community engagement experienced disruptions that could have led to missed opportunities and frustrated customers. Small businesses, in particular, which often depend on social media for visibility and sales, were hit hard by the outage.

Educational and Social Impact

The impact on education and social life was also significant. Students and educators who use Facebook for study groups, virtual classrooms, and information sharing found themselves unable to participate in important academic activities. Social groups, community organizers, and event planners also faced setbacks as their ability to coordinate and communicate was compromised.

Telegram's Continued Inaccessibility

While Facebook was restored by the evening, Telegram's continued inaccessibility added to the day's challenges. Telegram, known for its secure messaging and group chat features, is a vital tool for many users in Bangladesh. Its absence during this period of disruption further complicated communication for those who rely on it for both personal and professional purposes.

Security Concerns

Telegram's focus on security and privacy makes it a popular choice for users concerned about data protection. The app's continued inaccessibility during a period of political tension raises concerns about how such disruptions impact secure communications and the potential for increased reliance on less secure channels.

Business Continuity

For businesses that use Telegram for customer interactions, internal communications, or as a part of their marketing strategy, the outage represented a significant hurdle. The inability to access Telegram could lead to delays in customer support, disruptions in internal coordination, and potential losses in engagement and sales.

The Regulatory Context

Unofficial Regulatory Instructions

The restrictions on Facebook and Telegram during this period were attributed to unofficial regulatory instructions. Sources from telecom operators, including Grameenphone, indicated that the measures were taken in response to the prevailing situation in the country. Such actions often occur during times of political unrest or public demonstrations, with authorities seeking to control the flow of information and manage public reactions.

Historical Context of Internet Restrictions

Bangladesh has a history of implementing internet restrictions during times of political unrest. For instance, in July 2024, the country experienced a nationwide internet blackout related to quota reform protests. This blackout lasted from July 18 to July 25, with full restoration of mobile network services only occurring on July 28. The recurring pattern of internet restrictions during politically sensitive periods underscores the tension between maintaining public order and ensuring freedom of expression.

Impact on Freedom of Expression

Internet restrictions and social media blackouts raise critical questions about freedom of expression. While governments may justify such measures as necessary for security, they can also stifle dissent and limit access to information. The balance between national security and individual freedoms remains a contentious issue, particularly in regions experiencing political instability.

Business and Economic Implications

Disruption of Digital Commerce

For businesses operating online, disruptions in social media access can have significant economic consequences. E-commerce platforms, digital advertisers, and businesses relying on social media for customer engagement face immediate challenges when their primary communication channels are blocked. The outage can result in lost sales, reduced customer satisfaction, and financial losses.

Long-Term Effects on User Trust

Frequent disruptions and restrictions can erode user trust in digital platforms. When users experience repeated outages, they may become frustrated with the reliability of these services. Businesses must consider the potential long-term effects on their reputation and user trust when planning for such contingencies.

Response and Recovery

Efforts to Restore Service

Telecom operators and service providers play a crucial role in responding to and recovering from outages. In the case of the August 2nd disruption, Grameenphone and other operators worked to restore access to Facebook and address the ongoing issues with Telegram. Effective communication with users and transparency about the causes of disruptions are essential for maintaining trust and ensuring a smooth recovery process.

User Adaptation Strategies

Users affected by such outages can adopt various strategies to mitigate the impact. Exploring alternative communication channels, utilizing backup messaging apps, and staying informed through other media sources can help individuals and businesses navigate periods of digital disruption. Building resilience and adaptability into digital communication strategies can also help mitigate the effects of future disruptions.

Future Outlook

Anticipating Future Disruptions

Given the historical context of internet restrictions in Bangladesh, it is likely that similar disruptions may occur in the future. Users and businesses should anticipate potential outages and develop contingency plans to minimize their impact. Staying informed about the regulatory landscape and maintaining flexibility in communication strategies are key to managing these challenges.

Advocacy for Digital Rights

Advocacy for digital rights and freedom of expression remains crucial in addressing issues related to internet restrictions. Engaging with policymakers, raising awareness about the impact of digital censorship, and promoting the importance of open and accessible communication channels are essential steps in safeguarding digital freedoms.

Technological Solutions

Advancements in technology, such as decentralized communication platforms and enhanced security measures, may offer potential solutions to mitigate the impact of digital disruptions. Exploring innovative approaches to digital communication and investing in resilient infrastructure can help users and businesses better withstand future challenges.


The seven-hour outage of Facebook through mobile networks in Bangladesh, followed by the continued inaccessibility of Telegram, highlights the complex interplay between digital access and political events. The disruption underscores the significant impact of internet restrictions on users, businesses, and society at large. As the country navigates political tensions and public protests, the broader implications for digital communication and freedom of expression remain critical considerations. Moving forward, users and service providers must remain vigilant and adaptable, while policymakers must strive to balance security concerns with the need for open and accessible communication channels.

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