Epic Games' Strategic Maneuver to Relaunch Fortnite on iPhone in the EU


Background: The Epic-Apple Clash

The confrontation between Epic Games and Apple has been one of the most high-profile legal battles in the tech industry. The dispute began in August 2020, when Epic Games introduced a direct payment system in the "Fortnite" app, circumventing Apple's 30% commission fee on in-app purchases. This move led to Apple promptly removing "Fortnite" from the App Store, citing violations of its policies. Epic retaliated with a lawsuit, accusing Apple of monopolistic practices.

The legal battle resulted in a mixed verdict, with the court ruling in favor of Apple on most counts but also mandating changes to its anti-steering rules. Despite the ruling, the tension between the two companies persisted, and "Fortnite" remained unavailable on Apple's App Store.

The Digital Markets Act: A Game-Changer

The European Union's Digital Markets Act (DMA) is a transformative piece of legislation aimed at ensuring fair competition and enhancing consumer choice in the digital marketplace. Enacted in response to growing concerns about the dominance of major tech companies, the DMA imposes stringent regulations on "gatekeepers"—large digital platforms that control access to significant numbers of users.

Key provisions of the DMA include:

1.Obligating gatekeepers to allow third-party app stores and payment systems on their platforms.

2.Prohibiting self-preferencing practices that favor a gatekeeper's own services over those of competitors.

3.Ensuring interoperability and data portability between different services and platforms.

For Epic Games, the DMA represents a crucial opportunity to bypass Apple's restrictive ecosystem and directly reach iPhone users in the EU through its own app store.

Epic's Strategy: Compliance and Innovation

Epic's strategy to relaunch "Fortnite" on iPhones via its own app store involves navigating Apple's stringent requirements while leveraging the regulatory support provided by the DMA. The company has submitted both the Epic Games Store and the updated Fortnite app to Apple for notarization, a mandatory process to ensure apps comply with Apple's security and privacy standards.

Although Epic has previously criticized Apple's policies, the decision to adhere to these rules signifies a pragmatic approach to expedite the return of "Fortnite" to iOS users. By complying with Apple's notarization process, Epic aims to minimize potential legal and operational hurdles, facilitating a smoother relaunch of its popular game.

Challenges and Controversies

Despite the DMA's intent to foster a more competitive digital landscape, Epic's relaunch plans face several challenges and controversies:

  • Notarization and Compliance: Apple's notarization process involves rigorous scrutiny to ensure apps meet its security and privacy standards. Epic must ensure that its app store and games comply with these criteria, which could require significant adjustments to its existing systems.

  • Core Technology Fee: One of the most contentious issues is Apple's Core Technology Fee (CTF), a royalty paid to Apple after the first million installs of an app. Set at 0.5 Euro per install, this fee applies to both individual apps and third-party app stores. For Epic, this means substantial costs, potentially affecting its pricing and revenue models.

  • Developer and Consumer Reactions: The response from developers and consumers will be crucial in determining the success of Epic's app store. Developers may welcome an alternative to the Apple App Store, but they could also be wary of the additional fees and compliance requirements. Consumers, on the other hand, may appreciate the increased choice but could be concerned about security and privacy implications.

  • Regulatory Scrutiny: While the DMA supports the introduction of third-party app stores, ongoing investigations into Apple's practices, including its Core Technology Fee and anti-steering rules, add a layer of uncertainty. Any changes in regulatory policies or enforcement could impact Epic's plans.

Implications for the Tech Industry

Epic's move to relaunch "Fortnite" on iPhones via its own app store has significant implications for the broader tech industry:

  • Increased Competition: The introduction of third-party app stores on iOS could disrupt the market dynamics, challenging Apple's dominance and encouraging more innovation and competition among app developers.

  • Regulatory Precedents: The success or failure of Epic's initiative could influence regulatory actions in other regions, potentially leading to similar legislation and enforcement measures aimed at curbing the power of major tech companies.

  • Developer Empowerment: By providing an alternative platform, Epic could empower developers to negotiate better terms and reduce their dependence on dominant app stores. This could lead to more favorable revenue-sharing models and increased investment in app development.

  • Consumer Choice and Experience: For consumers, the availability of multiple app stores could enhance their choices and access to diverse content. However, it also raises questions about the consistency of user experience and the effectiveness of security measures across different platforms.

Future Prospects

The relaunch of "Fortnite" on iPhones in the EU through the Epic Games Store represents a significant milestone in the ongoing evolution of the digital marketplace. The success of this venture will depend on several factors, including Epic's ability to navigate regulatory and operational challenges, the response from developers and consumers, and the broader impact of the DMA on the tech industry.

Epic's proactive approach to compliance and its willingness to work within the established frameworks demonstrate a strategic shift that could pave the way for other developers seeking to challenge the status quo. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the balance of power between gatekeepers and innovators will be a key determinant of future trends and opportunities.


Epic Games' plan to relaunch "Fortnite" on iPhones in the European Union via its own app store is a bold and strategic move that highlights the dynamic interplay between regulation, innovation, and competition in the tech industry. The Digital Markets Act has provided a unique opportunity for Epic to re-enter the iOS market, but the journey is fraught with challenges and uncertainties.

By navigating Apple's compliance requirements and addressing the concerns of developers and consumers, Epic has the potential to reshape the digital marketplace, fostering a more competitive and diverse ecosystem. The outcomes of this initiative will not only impact Epic and Apple but also set important precedents for the future of app distribution and platform governance in the digital age.

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