Tesla Shareholders Support $50 Billion Pay Package by Wide Margins, Says Elon Musk


On Wednesday night, Tesla CEO Elon Musk announced that the company's shareholders have voted to reinstate his enormous 2018 compensation package, estimated to be worth approximately $50 billion. This decision comes months after the package was invalidated by a Delaware judge. The news, which Musk shared on X (formerly known as Twitter), indicated overwhelming support for both his pay package and the proposal to reincorporate Tesla in Texas. This article delves into the details of this shareholder vote, its implications, and the broader context surrounding Musk's leadership at Tesla.

The Reinstatement of Musk’s Pay Package

Background on the 2018 Compensation Deal

Elon Musk's 2018 compensation package is one of the most ambitious and high-stakes pay deals in corporate history. The package was designed to align Musk's incentives with the long-term success of Tesla, linking his earnings to the achievement of specific performance milestones related to Tesla's market capitalization and operational goals. Under this plan, Musk would receive stock options in 12 tranches, contingent upon Tesla hitting a series of escalating targets. If all targets were met, Musk would potentially receive a payout of $50 billion, contingent upon Tesla reaching a market cap of $650 billion.

Legal Challenges and Initial Invalidation

In April 2024, a Delaware judge invalidated Musk's compensation package, citing concerns about the transparency and fairness of the approval process. The court found that Tesla's board of directors, many of whom had close personal and professional relationships with Musk, might not have exercised adequate independence in approving the package. This ruling temporarily halted the issuance of further stock options to Musk under the 2018 plan and raised questions about corporate governance at Tesla.

Shareholder Vote and Overwhelming Support

Despite the judicial setback, Musk remained confident in the support of Tesla's shareholders. On Wednesday night, he took to X to announce that the resolutions to reinstate his pay package and to change Tesla’s state of incorporation from Delaware to Texas were "passing by wide margins." Musk's post included a graph demonstrating that both measures had received significantly more votes than needed to pass. He thanked Tesla shareholders and his supporters, reaffirming his commitment to making Tesla the most valuable company on Earth.

The Move to Texas

Reasons for Reincorporation

The proposal to change Tesla's state of incorporation from Delaware to Texas is part of a broader strategic shift for the company. Musk has long been critical of California's regulatory environment and has praised Texas for its business-friendly policies. In 2021, Tesla officially moved its headquarters from Palo Alto, California, to Austin, Texas. The recent vote to reincorporate in Texas further solidifies Tesla's commitment to the Lone Star State.

The Public Vote

Musk’s decision to conduct a "public vote" on his X account for such a significant corporate decision is unprecedented. He has previously used social media to gauge public opinion on various issues, including selling a portion of his Tesla stock and implementing new features at Twitter. The public vote on Tesla's state of incorporation, while non-binding, demonstrated Musk's willingness to engage directly with his followers and to leverage his massive online presence to influence corporate decisions.

Implications for Tesla

Financial Performance and Market Reaction

Following Musk's announcement, Tesla's shares surged nearly 6.5% in premarket trading early Thursday before settling at around $187—up 5.45% from the previous day. This positive market reaction reflects investor confidence in Musk's leadership and the company's strategic direction. The reinstatement of Musk's compensation package and the move to Texas are seen as reinforcing Tesla's ambitious growth trajectory.

Corporate Governance Concerns

While the shareholder vote demonstrates robust support for Musk, it also raises questions about corporate governance at Tesla. The 2018 compensation package was criticized for its size and the potential conflicts of interest among board members who approved it. The recent judicial invalidation of the package underscored these concerns. Moving forward, Tesla will need to address these governance issues to maintain investor trust and regulatory compliance.

Musk's Vision and Leadership

Long-Term Goals

Musk's 2018 compensation package is emblematic of his broader vision for Tesla. The milestones tied to the package reflect ambitious targets for market capitalization and operational performance, underscoring Musk's commitment to long-term growth. By aligning his compensation with these goals, Musk has signaled his dedication to achieving transformative success for Tesla.

Challenges and Controversies

Despite his many successes, Musk's tenure at Tesla has not been without controversy. His use of social media to make major announcements and influence public opinion has occasionally led to regulatory scrutiny and legal challenges. Additionally, Musk's unconventional management style and public persona have drawn both praise and criticism. However, his ability to drive innovation and achieve remarkable growth has solidified his status as one of the most influential figures in the tech and automotive industries.

Future Performance Milestones

With the reinstatement of his 2018 compensation package, Musk now faces the challenge of meeting the remaining performance milestones to unlock his full payout. These milestones include significant increases in Tesla's market capitalization and the achievement of key operational goals. As Tesla continues to expand its product lineup, invest in new technologies, and scale its production capabilities, Musk's leadership will be critical in steering the company towards these ambitious targets.

Strategic Initiatives

Tesla's strategic initiatives, such as the development of new vehicle models, advancements in battery technology, and expansion into new markets, will play a crucial role in achieving the performance milestones tied to Musk's compensation. The company's move to Texas and the potential benefits of a more favorable business environment are expected to support these initiatives. Additionally, Tesla's ongoing efforts to enhance its manufacturing processes and increase production efficiency will be vital in sustaining its growth trajectory.

Broader Industry Impact

Tesla's success has had a profound impact on the automotive industry, driving the adoption of electric vehicles and challenging traditional automakers to innovate. Musk's ambitious vision for Tesla extends beyond the automotive sector, encompassing renewable energy solutions and advancements in autonomous driving technology. As Tesla continues to push the boundaries of innovation, its influence on the broader industry is likely to grow.


The overwhelming shareholder support for Elon Musk's $50 billion compensation package and the decision to reincorporate Tesla in Texas underscore the strong backing he enjoys among investors. Despite the legal challenges and governance concerns, Musk's visionary leadership and commitment to long-term growth have garnered significant investor confidence. As Tesla continues to pursue ambitious goals and expand its market presence, Musk's role will remain pivotal in shaping the company's future.

In the coming years, Tesla's ability to meet its performance milestones and achieve sustained growth will be closely watched by investors and industry observers. The company's strategic initiatives, coupled with the advantages of its move to Texas, are expected to drive its continued success. As Tesla navigates the evolving landscape of the automotive and energy industries, Musk's leadership will be crucial in realizing the company's vision and maintaining its position as a leading innovator.

Ultimately, the recent shareholder vote serves as a testament to the faith investors have in Musk's ability to deliver on his promises and steer Tesla towards new heights. With a renewed mandate and the support of shareholders, Musk is poised to continue his quest to make Tesla the most valuable company on Earth.

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