How to Change Siri's Name in iOS 18 to Anything You Like with Vocal Shortcuts

In the ever-evolving landscape of voice assistants, Apple's Siri has remained a prominent figure since its debut. With each iteration of iOS, Siri has become more intelligent, more responsive, and more integrated into our daily lives. However, one aspect of Siri has remained relatively unchanged: its name. Traditionally, users have been required to use the wake phrase "Hey, Siri," to activate the assistant, which may not feel natural to everyone. Fortunately, with iOS 18, Apple has introduced a feature that allows users to personalize this experience by changing Siri's name using Vocal Shortcuts. This article will guide you through the process, offering detailed steps and insights to help you make Siri respond to any name you prefer.

Understanding the Basics

Before diving into the step-by-step instructions, it’s important to understand what is actually happening when you change Siri's name. In essence, you are not directly renaming Siri. Instead, you are creating a vocal shortcut that calls upon Siri using a different trigger phrase. This process leverages the Accessibility features in iOS 18, designed to assist users with various needs, including those with vocal difficulties. By creating a custom command through these features, you can effectively make Siri respond to any name you choose.

The Benefits of Personalizing Siri

Personalizing Siri’s name offers several benefits:

1.Enhanced User Experience: Using a custom wake phrase can make interactions with Siri feel more natural and intuitive.

2.Fun and Creativity: Fans of shows like "Star Trek" can live out their fantasies by calling Siri "Computer" or any other name they like.

3.Privacy and Security: In public places, a unique wake phrase can prevent others from accidentally or intentionally triggering your device.

Step-by-Step Guide to Changing Siri’s Name

Follow these steps to change Siri’s name in iOS 18 using Vocal Shortcuts:

Step 1: Open the Settings App

Begin by opening the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad. The Settings app is your gateway to all the configurations and customizations available on your device.

Step 2: Navigate to Accessibility

Scroll down in the Settings app and tap on "Accessibility." This section contains a variety of features designed to help users with different needs.

Step 3: Set Up Voice Control

Under the Accessibility menu, locate and tap on "Voice Control." If it’s not already enabled, turn on Voice Control by toggling the switch. Voice Control allows you to control your device using your voice, which is essential for creating custom commands.

Step 4: Customize Commands

Once Voice Control is enabled, tap on "Customize Commands." Here, you will create a new command that will serve as your custom wake phrase for Siri.

Step 5: Create a New Command

Tap on "Create New Command." This option allows you to define a new voice command that your device will recognize.

Step 6: Enter Your Custom Phrase

In the "Phrase" field, type the trigger name you want to use for Siri. For example, you might enter "Computer" or any other name you prefer. This is the phrase you will say aloud to activate Siri.

Step 7: Assign an Action to the Command

After entering your custom phrase, tap on "Action." Choose "Run Custom Gesture" from the list of actions. This gesture will be used to trigger the next step in the process.

Step 8: Save the Gesture

Record a custom gesture by tapping the screen once. This simple gesture will suffice, as it’s just a placeholder to move to the next step. Tap "Save" to store the gesture.

Step 9: Link the Command to Siri

Return to the New Command screen. Under "Action," select "Run Shortcut." You will be prompted to choose a shortcut that will be executed when you say your custom phrase.

Step 10: Create a Shortcut to Activate Siri

Open the Shortcuts app on your device. Tap the "+" icon to create a new shortcut. In the new shortcut, add the "Hey Siri" action or any specific Siri action you want. Save this shortcut with a recognizable name, such as "Activate Siri."

Step 11: Assign the Shortcut to the Voice Command

Go back to the Voice Control command you created earlier. In the "Run Shortcut" section, select the shortcut you created in the Shortcuts app. This links your custom phrase to the Siri activation shortcut.

Step 12: Test Your New Command

With everything set up, it’s time to test your new command. Say your custom phrase aloud (e.g., "Computer"). Voice Control should recognize your phrase, run the custom gesture, and trigger the Siri shortcut, effectively calling Siri by your chosen name.

Tips for Using Your Custom Siri Name

While the process of changing Siri’s name is relatively straightforward, there are a few tips and considerations to keep in mind:

1.Pausing After the Custom Phrase: There may be a slight delay as the command is processed through Voice Control and triggers Siri. Get used to pausing briefly after saying your custom phrase to allow the process to complete.

2.Choosing a Unique Phrase: Select a phrase that is unique and unlikely to be used in normal conversation. This helps prevent accidental activations.

3.Testing and Adjusting: If your custom phrase isn’t working perfectly, revisit the Voice Control and Shortcuts settings to fine-tune your setup. Ensure that the phrase is clearly understood by your device.

4.Exploring Further Customizations: The Shortcuts app offers a wide range of possibilities. Consider creating additional shortcuts for specific Siri actions, such as sending a message or playing music, triggered by different custom phrases.

The Future of Voice Assistants

The ability to personalize Siri’s name using Vocal Shortcuts is a significant step forward in the evolution of voice assistants. As these technologies continue to advance, we can expect even more customization options and greater integration into our daily lives. Here are a few potential future developments:

1.Advanced Natural Language Processing: Future iterations of voice assistants may better understand context and nuances, allowing for even more natural interactions.

2.Expanded Customization Options: Beyond changing the wake phrase, users might be able to customize Siri’s voice, personality, and behavior to a greater extent.

3.Integration with More Devices: As smart home ecosystems grow, voice assistants like Siri will become central hubs for controlling a wide range of devices and services.

4.Enhanced Accessibility Features: Ongoing improvements in accessibility will ensure that voice assistants are usable by everyone, regardless of their abilities.


Changing Siri’s name in iOS 18 using Vocal Shortcuts is a powerful way to personalize your interaction with your device. By leveraging the Accessibility features and the Shortcuts app, you can create a unique and enjoyable experience that feels tailor-made for you. While the process involves a few steps and a slight delay in activation, the benefits of a customized wake phrase are well worth the effort. As voice assistant technology continues to evolve, the possibilities for personalization and enhanced user experience will only expand, making our interactions with digital assistants more intuitive and engaging than ever before.

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