Fake Google Chrome errors trick you into running malicious PowerShell scripts

 Cybersecurity threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated, with attackers constantly devising new ways to bypass security measures and deceive users. A particularly cunning trend has emerged, involving fake error messages from trusted software such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Word, and OneDrive. These deceptive messages trick users into running malicious PowerShell scripts, which are disguised as fixes for non-existent issues. The result is the installation of malware on the victim's system.

This comprehensive article delves into the details of this advanced malware distribution campaign, examining the tactics employed by various threat actors, including those behind ClearFake, a newly identified attack cluster called ClickFix, and the notorious TA571 group. We will explore their operational methods, the broader implications of their strategies, and provide insights on how individuals and organizations can protect themselves against these sophisticated threats.

Understanding the Threat Actors

The recent campaign has been attributed to multiple threat actors, each with their unique methodologies and objectives. However, they share a common goal: to exploit user trust and infiltrate systems through deception. Let's take a closer look at the main players involved:

ClearFake: This group is known for using website overlays to prompt users into installing fake browser updates. These updates are, in reality, malware installers. ClearFake's tactics have evolved to include fake error messages, broadening their attack vector and making their scams harder to detect.

ClickFix: A newly identified attack cluster, ClickFix has been observed using similar techniques to those of ClearFake. They leverage fake error messages to trick users into executing malicious scripts, thereby gaining access to the victims' systems.

TA571: A well-known threat actor, TA571 operates as a spam distributor. They send out large volumes of email designed to lead to malware and ransomware infections. TA571's inclusion in this campaign suggests a coordinated effort to increase the reach and impact of these attacks.

The Mechanics of the Campaign

The campaign's effectiveness lies in its ability to exploit common user behaviors and the inherent trust users place in well-known software. Here's a breakdown of how the attacks unfold:

  • Delivery Mechanism: The attack typically begins with a phishing email or a compromised website that delivers a fake error message to the user. These messages are crafted to look like legitimate alerts from Google Chrome, Microsoft Word, or OneDrive.
  • Deceptive Messaging: The fake error messages often claim that there is an issue with the software that needs immediate attention. For instance, users might see a message stating that their browser is out of date, their Word document is corrupted, or their OneDrive needs an update.
  • Malicious PowerShell Scripts: To resolve the fake issue, users are instructed to run a PowerShell script provided in the error message. These scripts are disguised as fixes but are actually designed to download and execute malware.
  • Installation of Malware: Once the user runs the script, the malware is downloaded and installed on the system. The type of malware can vary, ranging from data stealers and keyloggers to ransomware and other forms of malicious software.

Implications of the Attack

The use of fake error messages represents a significant escalation in the tactics employed by cybercriminals. This method is particularly dangerous for several reasons:

  • Increased Credibility: By imitating error messages from well-known and trusted software, attackers increase the likelihood that users will fall for the scam. Users are conditioned to trust updates and error messages from software they use regularly, making them more susceptible to these types of attacks.
  • Bypassing Traditional Defenses: Traditional security measures, such as antivirus software and firewalls, may not be effective against these types of attacks. The scripts used in these campaigns are often custom-built and can easily evade detection by standard security tools.
  • Wide-reaching Impact: Given the widespread use of software like Chrome, Word, and OneDrive, the potential reach of these attacks is enormous. Both individual users and organizations are at risk, and a successful attack can lead to significant data breaches, financial loss, and operational disruption.

Case Study: ClearFake

ClearFake's tactics have evolved over time, showcasing the adaptability of modern cybercriminals. Initially, ClearFake relied on website overlays to trick users into installing fake browser updates. These overlays were designed to look like legitimate update prompts from browsers like Chrome, but the updates installed malware instead.

In their latest campaign, ClearFake has shifted to using fake error messages. For example, users might see a message stating that their browser is out of date and needs an immediate update to avoid security risks. The message includes a link to a PowerShell script that supposedly fixes the issue. Once executed, the script installs malware on the user's system.

This evolution in tactics highlights the need for continuous vigilance and adaptation in cybersecurity practices. As attackers become more sophisticated, so too must the defenses employed to protect against them.

Case Study: ClickFix

ClickFix is a newly identified attack cluster that has been observed using similar techniques to those of ClearFake. They leverage fake error messages to trick users into executing malicious scripts, thereby gaining access to the victims' systems.

One notable example involved a fake Microsoft Word error message. Users received a message claiming that their Word document was corrupted and that they needed to run a provided PowerShell script to recover their data. The script, once executed, installed malware that gave the attackers remote access to the user's system.

ClickFix's use of fake error messages from different software applications demonstrates the versatility and adaptability of this attack method. By targeting a variety of commonly used applications, ClickFix increases their chances of success.

Case Study: TA571

TA571 is a well-known threat actor that operates as a spam distributor, sending out large volumes of email designed to lead to malware and ransomware infections. Their inclusion in this campaign suggests a coordinated effort to increase the reach and impact of these attacks.

TA571's approach typically involves sending phishing emails that contain fake error messages from popular software applications. These messages instruct users to run a PowerShell script to fix a fabricated issue. Once executed, the script installs malware on the user's system.

In one instance, TA571 used a fake OneDrive error message to trick users into running a malicious script. The message claimed that there was an issue with the user's OneDrive account that required immediate attention. The script provided in the message installed ransomware on the user's system, encrypting their files and demanding a ransom for their release.

Protecting Against These Threats

Given the sophistication and effectiveness of these campaigns, it is crucial for individuals and organizations to take proactive steps to protect themselves. Here are some recommendations:

  • User Education: Educate users about the dangers of phishing emails and fake error messages. Users should be taught to verify the legitimacy of any error messages or update prompts before taking action.
  • Use of Security Software: Employ advanced security software that can detect and block malicious scripts. Endpoint protection solutions that include behavioral analysis can help identify and stop these types of attacks.
  • Regular Updates and Patching: Ensure that all software is kept up to date with the latest security patches. This can help prevent attackers from exploiting known vulnerabilities.
  • Email Filtering: Implement email filtering solutions that can detect and block phishing emails before they reach users' inboxes. Advanced email security solutions can identify and quarantine suspicious messages.
  • Backup and Recovery: Regularly back up important data and ensure that backups are stored securely. In the event of a ransomware attack, having reliable backups can enable you to recover your data without paying a ransom.
  • Limit PowerShell Use: Consider restricting the use of PowerShell scripts to trusted administrators only. This can help prevent malicious scripts from being executed by regular users.


The use of fake error messages from trusted software applications marks a significant escalation in the tactics employed by cybercriminals. By leveraging the credibility of well-known software, attackers increase the likelihood that users will fall for their scams. The involvement of multiple threat actors, including ClearFake, ClickFix, and TA571, underscores the coordinated and sophisticated nature of these campaigns.

As attackers continue to innovate, it is crucial for individuals and organizations to remain vigilant and proactive in their cybersecurity efforts. By educating users, employing advanced security measures, and staying informed about the latest threats, we can better protect ourselves against these sophisticated attacks.

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