A Developer's Perspective on WWDC 2024: An Interview with MacPaw Founder Oleksandr Kosovan



As many of us watched the WWDC 2024 Keynote from our homes, Oleksandr Kosovan, the founder of MacPaw, was right there at Apple Park. A veteran of WWDC events and an app developer since the earliest days of the App Store, Oleksandr provides unique insights into the new developments announced by Apple. He shares his thoughts on Apple Intelligence, beta software, and what this annual event means for the over 200 developers he works with at Setapp.

Experiencing WWDC at Apple Park

Having attended numerous WWDCs, Oleksandr describes the thrill of being at Apple Park for the first time. "It's an impressive place," he notes, reflecting on the registration process and the initial gathering of developers and press. While the keynote and State of the Union presentations were watched live, the real treasure was the behind-the-scenes interactions and the immersive environment of Apple Park.

The Evolution of WWDC

WWDC has evolved significantly, especially post-COVID. This year’s event was three days long, shorter than pre-COVID editions, focusing on high-quality, pre-edited online content. Oleksandr mentions that Apple has shifted towards a model that allows them to reach tens of thousands of developers virtually, rather than hosting a more extended in-person event. Despite the condensed format, the event remains a critical touchpoint for developers to gain insights directly from Apple engineers and sessions.

Navigating the Sea of Information

For developers, WWDC is a treasure trove of new information. Oleksandr talks about the challenge of deciding which sessions to attend. With limited time, he emphasizes the importance of note-taking and planning to delve deeper into the documentation and additional sessions post-WWDC. "It's about prioritizing what will provide the most value and fit into our development plans," he explains.

Apple Intelligence: A Game Changer

The introduction of Apple Intelligence was the highlight of the keynote for many, including Oleksandr. He sees it as a pivotal development, likening it to a new industrial revolution powered by AI. "We expected Apple to make a move in this direction, especially with their advancements in Apple Silicon and Machine Learning cores," he says. Apple’s focus on privacy, enabling on-device language models, sets them apart from other AI solutions, which often rely on cloud processing.

Privacy and AI: The Apple Way

Oleksandr appreciates Apple's emphasis on privacy with their AI tools. Unlike other platforms that require sending data to the cloud, Apple’s approach keeps user data on the device. "This is crucial for mass adoption of AI," he asserts, pointing out the discomfort many users feel about sharing personal data with cloud-based AI services.

The Developer's Challenge

Developers are often caught between excitement and anxiety post-WWDC. On one hand, there's the thrill of new APIs and tools; on the other, there's the practical challenge of integrating these into existing products. Oleksandr admits that while some features are available immediately, others, particularly related to Apple Intelligence, will roll out later in the year, requiring patience and strategic planning.

Impact on MacPaw and Setapp

For MacPaw and Setapp, WWDC announcements dictate the roadmap for the coming year. Oleksandr discusses how these new tools and APIs will influence their products. "It's about staying competitive and seizing the opportunity to be featured on the App Store," he explains. This annual event acts as a catalyst, driving innovation and keeping the team energized.

Sherlocking: A Developer’s Perspective

The concept of "Sherlocking" – when Apple introduces features that compete with third-party apps – is a familiar one. This year, the new iPad calculator app raised concerns. Oleksandr mentions Soulver, an app available on Setapp, and acknowledges the challenge for developers to innovate continually to stay ahead. "You need to offer something unique that Apple's basic apps don't provide," he advises.

The EU App Store and Future Prospects

With the upcoming changes in the EU, where third-party app stores will be allowed on iOS, Setapp is poised for significant expansion. Oleksandr shares the progress on this front, noting both the technical and user experience challenges. "Apple has been surprisingly cooperative, providing infrastructure and security checks," he reveals, though he admits the current user experience for installing third-party app stores is cumbersome.

AI and App Recommendations

Oleksandr sees potential in integrating Apple Intelligence into the app recommendation process. Setapp already employs an AI assistant to help users find the right apps, but integrating with Apple’s ecosystem could enhance this further. "We look forward to leveraging Siri and app intents to provide even more seamless solutions," he says.


WWDC remains a cornerstone event for Apple developers, providing both inspiration and practical tools. For Oleksandr Kosovan and his team at MacPaw, it’s an opportunity to align their products with Apple’s vision, ensuring they remain at the cutting edge of technology. The future, especially with advancements in AI and new opportunities in the EU, looks promising and challenging in equal measure.

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